


“The central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate.
A place or thing that forms the effective centre of an activity, region, or network.”

Internet sources

This page is my attempt to begin to create a Hub to collate all the activity that has resulted from the first discussions about Marginal Learning Gains documented here. It is a testimony to the creativity and innovation of the education community to see the speed at which the application of Marginal Learning Gains thinking has spread since the launch of this blog.

It is also a response to the increasing number of enquiries about MLG I receive and my attempt to put people in touch with each other to share and generate ideas and applications of how taking a Marginal Learning Gains approach to learning can have an impact on both teachers, teaching, learners and learning.

I am going to have a go at collating as much of the amazing spin-off projects that others are working on and sharing around the web. I will endeavour to keep adding to this as long as you keep sharing what you’re up to.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! If you are involved in MLG projects and developments, please let me know and I’ll do my best to update this page.

This is my very first attempt, please let me know if I’ve missed anyone or anything that you have found useful or that you are doing. I’m sure to be adding more – just get in touch, so others can too.

Where it all began for me (my main blog)…

TWITTER: @Macn_1 contact (blog is coming soon)

TWITTER: @liplash_mason BLOG Learning to Teach with MLG wheel here: 

TWITTER: @huntingenglish BLOG HuntingEnglish: using MLG approaches with students and teachers plus ALex wrote a great piece for the Guardian here about Marginal Learning Gains

TWITTER: @wclou BLOG: Believe it or Not!: The beginning of the Marginal Gains Journey

TWITTER: @bebbPEteach BLOG Look Out For Learning: using Marginal Learning Gains with whole staff

TWITTER: @kevbartle BLOG Canons Broadside: using Marginal Learning Gains as part of whole staff INSET

TWITTER: @learningspy BLOG The Learning Spy: reflections on applications and impact of a Marginal Learning Gains approach to T&L

TWITTER: @shaun_allison BLOG Class Teaching: Reflections and activities for all staff using Marginal Learning Gains

TWITTER: @andybartlettCPD

TWITTER @dnleslie

TWITTER: @paulsturtuvant BLOG: Teaching and Learning in Geography: individual reflections on professional Marginal Learning Gains goals for teaching

TWITTER: @johnsayers BLOG: John Sayers Geography Blog Links to Marginal Learning Gains and Questioning Techniques

TWITTER: @JonGale2: Using Marginal Learning Gains with pupils on reflections sessions and INSET with staff to lead into a Teachmeet to show gains

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